Myanmar Star Way Co.,Ltd.


အမှတ် ၄/အေ၊ ဇေတဝန်လမ်း၊ သံတံတားရပ်ကွက်၊ စမ်းချောင်း၊ ရန်ကုန်တိုင်းဒေသကြီး
About Us
Myanmar Star Way Co., Ltd. was founded on May 2012 and was registered as Trading Company (Reg. No. 100673916(2012-2013)). It began at the very right time to pursue and fulfill professionally for the developing country’s needs. It was founded by a group of experience and knowledgeable persons who have gained abroad experiences for many years with multicultural working environment and dealt with various nationals all over the world.


  • အိမ္ေဆာက္ပစၥည္းဆိုင္မ်ား
  • ေဆာက္လုပ္ေရး လုပ္ငန္းသံုးပစၥည္းမ်ား

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